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Easter Project Supporting Altadena fire victims

03.27.25 | Serve | by Shannon Cronin

    This Easter, Messiah is supporting Altadena fire victims through Abound Food Care. The Eaton Fire destroyed more than 9,400 structures across Altadena, Pasadena and Sierra Madre. Abound will use their food production and distribution expertise to provide much-needed food services to residents who were displaced from their homes by the fires and are therefore experiencing financial difficulties. They will be provided with nutritious food in the form of ready-to-heat and eat meals and/or much needed produce, protein and dairy products. Abound is committed to providing targeted distribution of nutritious food to those impacted by the fires as long as the need exists. Messiah wants to support this mission. In making a donation, you are invited to make a special dedication in our Easter bulletin. 

    To make a donation, click here